What's in your control?

What’s in your control?

What’s in your control in your life and how does it relate to your happiness? Stick with me for a minute, I promise there’s a pay off… From the moment humans are born, they’re interested in which things are under their control. There’s a famous study on a group of infants who are given control … Read more


Self-criticism vs. Self-compassion

Who’s the harshest critic in your life? For most, the answer is “me.” Most of us strive to be better people each and every day. We set high expectations for ourselves. So what happens when we don’t meet those expectations? We are harsh – with ourselves. We kick ourselves when we’re down. In fact, we … Read more

Give yourself the Gift of Forgiveness

If you’ve been alive for any significant amount of time, it’s likely that someone has hurt you. Some of us have been hurt physically, and we have the scars to prove it; others of us may not show physical signs of pain, but instead possess deeper, emotional wounds. Perhaps a colleague took credit for your … Read more

What is the Confirmation Bias?

The technical definition The confirmation bias is the idea that our brains are hardwired to be attracted to information that generates the least amount of cognitive dissonance (or inconsistency) in what we already believe.  This bias may lead us to seek out or attend only to information that affirms our fundamental beliefs, and it makes … Read more

What is an Amygdala Hijack?

The technical definition The amygdala hijack is an immediate, overwhelming emotional response with a later realization that the response was inappropriately strong given the trigger. Daniel Goleman coined the term based on the work of neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux, which demonstrated that some emotional information travels directly from the thalamus to the amygdala without engaging the … Read more