GoTools!: The 5Cs Song

Sing along with the lyrics below!

ScienceGuy: When you face adversity…

Mr. Diddlydoo: What’s adversity?

ScienceGuy: When you face a challenge,
and you’re not sure what to do…
Here’s a few simple steps,
To help you make it through…
Catch, Check, Collect, Challenge, Change, that’s the 5Cs…

Mr. Diddlydoo: I don’t get it.

ScienceGuy: We all face challenges in life,
but there’s a way to face your troubles today!

Mr. Diddlydoo: So the 5Cs help you face challenges?

ScienceGuy: That’s right and they can help you be more resilient.

Mr. Diddlydoo: Okay, but how do I use them?

ScienceGuy: I was just getting to that. Can I do the second verse?

Mr. Diddlydoo: Oh yeah sure, sure…

ScienceGuy: GoCatch… grab your thoughts!
Check… for ThoughtHoles!
Collect evidence… to support each view.
Challenge your thoughts…
And if you need to… GoChange.
That’s the 5Cs… Yeah!

Mr. Diddlydoo: That’s it?

ScienceGuy: That’s it. When you face an activating event,
use the 5Cs to make sure your thoughts are accurate and your
feelings are objective. Try it!

Mr. Diddlydoo: GoCatch… grab your thoughts!
Check… for ThoughtHoles!
Collect evidence… to support each view.
Challenge your thoughts…
And if you need to… GoChange.
That’s the 5Cs… Yeah!

Together: We all face challenges in life,
but there’s a way to face your troubles today…
That’s the 5Cs… Yeah!
Catch, Check, Collect, Challenge, Change!
That’s the 5Cs… Yeah!

The 5Cs of Resilience